The app displays a list of dummy beers from a JSON hosted on this github server.
It originally connected to an API to download a beer catalog based on Brewdog’s DIY Dog (hence the name of the project), but unfortunately the API shut down.
Data is always saved to the device (using data persistence with Room) and is consumed from there when it exists.
Libraries/concepts used
- Clean Architecture with MVI pattern in presentation layer
- Jetpack Compose with Material3 design – for UI layer
- Kotlin Coroutines & Kotlin Flow – for concurrency & reactive approach
- Kotlin Serialization converter – for JSON parsing
- Retrofit – for networking
- Hilt – for Dependency Injection pattern implementation
- Room – for local database
- Coil – for image loading
- Navigation Compose – for navigation between screens
- Unit Testing – for data and domain layers
- Instrumental Testing – For ui layer with Jetpack Compose